Hello, I'm
Eddy Nguyen
About me

I was born in Vietnam and now living in Melbourne, Australia.
I love web technologies. Building things with Node.js, React, GraphQL and TypeScript keeps me happy.
I sometimes write down my learnings in blog posts.
I travel, snowboard and hunt for new brunch places when I manage to break away from my desk.
The path I took
Key skills:
React, GraphQL, TypeScript, Golang, PHP
React, GraphQL, TypeScript, Golang, PHP
I came to 99designs looking for new challenges.
Innovations are encouraged and it helped build a culture that makes 99designs the world-class company it is today.
I love the chance to work within a dynamic team to build exciting projects in React, GraphQL, PHP, Go and many more.
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Key skills:
Business Management, How to make kick-ass coffee ;)
Business Management, How to make kick-ass coffee ;)
Like a lot of developers, coffee is the beverage of choice to keep me going.
I was always intrigued by the process of making coffee, hence when my brother said he wanted a business partner for a coffee shop, I did not hesitate to join.
This is where I got exposure to business management concepts and practices. Not only that, I also learnt how to make the latte that could satisfy my cafeine cravings along the way.
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Key skills:
HTML5, CSS, PHP, jQuery, React, Redux
HTML5, CSS, PHP, jQuery, React, Redux
Mycause provided a lot of interesting challenges at the start of my career.
I was part of a tight-knit team to deliver online fundraising solutions to the Australian market.
This is where I developed my techinical skills such as React, Redux, GraphQL, PHP and MySql while working in a high-pressured environment.
When I was promoted to Tech Lead in 2015, I took on more responsibilities to manage other team members, liaise with partners and drive the techincal aspects of the business.
I continue to take the lessons that I have learnt at Mycause with me to this day
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